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This is a profiled metal rolled from stainless steel, which has a rectangular cross-section with sides of 120 mm and 60 mm. It is widely used in various industries due to its high strength, corrosion resistance and aesthetic appearance. This is an extremely durable pipe due to its wide cross-section and wall thickness. It is supplied mainly in two grades of stainless steel: AISI 201 and AISI 304. It is able to withstand heavy loads and, at the same time, has an attractive aesthetic appearance. It is used in various industries and mechanical engineering. It is especially popular in furniture production. Only at Yukirs you can buy such a pipe from the warehouse at the most favorable price.
Looking for a strong, durable and aesthetically appealing pipe? Then you need a stainless steel profile pipe 120x60 mm 600 GRIT!
Ukirs offers a wide range of stainless profile pipes 120x60 mm 600 GRIT at favorable prices. Contact us!
We are your reliable partner in the world of stainless steel pipes!